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교육 훈련
교육 훈련

아카데미는 학생들에게 현악기의(바이올린 및 기타군) 의 제작 기초를 배울수있는 악기제작 과정을 제공합니다.


저희 아카데미는 피에몬테 현악기 제작 문화와 전통을 나타내는것으로 잘 알려진 San Filippo 단지에 설립되었습니다.


이집트 박물관으로 부터 몇 미터 가량 떨어진 문화와 역사로 둘러싸인 도시의 중심부 Via Accademia delle Scienze 11에 위치합니다.


  • From violin to guitar: this is how the art of master luthiers is taught in Turin. Building a violin is not easy. All the senses are used and perhaps something more. Techniques are refined and the value of time is understood because what is created is a unique object that can live for centuries.

    la Repubblica Torino Spettacoli, 28/01/2021
  • Ever since it opened ... at the intersection of via Accademia delle Scienze and via Principe Amedeo, it happens to see people with their noses downwards who scrutinize the windows of hidden cellars. So I discovered it, attracted by the skeletons of the still unfinished violins that can be glimpsed from the roadside grates.

    Le Strade Di Torino le-strade.com
  • Founded by the Turin master luthier Enzo Cena ... the Piedmontese violin making academy San Filippo is an educational excellence of the territory that collaborates with the Cavour Polytechnic, Conservatory and classical and musical high school of Turin, with the Cremonensis Academy, the National Boarding School of Cagliari and others important national realities ...

    cittAgorà Comune di Torino
  • I was 16 when leafing through a book I discovered violin making ... I remember that I immediately thought that this could be the right job for me. ... one day, passing in front of the Egyptian Museum, I saw the word "violin making" on the plate next to a door and I could not help but stop…. It was love at first sight.

    La Stampa Cultura 2017/07/07
  • ... we enter a new and unknown world ... among the long benches full of tools, some students continue their work busy and silent. Above our heads, like notes suspended on a staff, dozens of violins hang from the mezzanine; the ancient scent of wood hovers around it and the hard-working atmosphere is punctuated by the rough sound of lime and hacksaws ...

    Digi.To.it Il magazine online del Servizio Politiche Giovanili

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